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I would like to start by thanking Dr. Chris for his help with my
daughter. She is doing wonderful and her head shape looks great. He
was kind and gentle with my young baby and was so helpful to my family
and I. He is an amazing chiropractor and I recommend him to everyone I

When my daughter was born I noticed a few things that didn’t seem
right to me. She was my third child in three years, so I was used to
seeing newborns.

The first thing I noticed was that her head shape was a little off.
She had a flat spot in her front left temple area and a protruding
spot on the back of her head. I was told it was just molding from
birth and that it would get better on its own within 6 weeks or so. I
waited the 6 weeks and was thinking the whole time that it was
actually getting worse.

The second thing I noticed was that she was a bit “floppy” due to poor
muscle tone. Her pediatrician told me that it was due to her young age
and that it would improve on its own.

The last thing I noticed was that she was not rotating her neck the
way I thought she should. She would follow objects with her eyes and
not move head head at the same time. When I would put her on her on
her belly she was not able to raise her head up the way my other
newborns did; and she could not turn her head to the left at all.

When my daughter had her next well checkup I brought up her issues.
The had a second doctor come in to see her. She indeed had an issue,
but this doctor told me to just turn her head (forcefully) to the side
that she did not favor. He said to do this at every diaper change and
she would just learn to look that way. When he showed me how my
daughter screamed; it bothered her greatly.

I just could not forcefully turn my child’s head and make her cry 10
times per day. I thought of it as an adult being pushed into a split
if they are not that limber, very painful.

With no help from the pediatricians, I called Dr. Chris. He said to
bring her right in and he would take a look at her.

He did an adjustment on her, gently, and she didn’t really mind. He
then referred me to another chiropractor, Dr. Peck, due to her head
and facial shape. Dr. Peck had a great deal of experience moving
cranial bones. We saw him for about 4-6 weeks. At first she went 3
times a week, then twice, and then once. Her head and heck were
getting better.

In the beginning of her chiropractic care our pediatrician sent us to
a specialist from Children’s Hospital in Boston. This specialist
treated me like I was an unfit mother for putting my child to sleep on
her side and for bring her to a chiropractor. He was no help at all
and said that at 4 months we could have her fit for a helmet to
re-shape her head.

This helmet would be worn for 23 hours a day and would put pressure on
the areas of her head that protruded too much and have hollowed spaced
for the areas that were flat. Between the pressure and the fact that
her head would be growing, the head would eventually fit the helmet
thus creating a better shape.

This approach seemed very aggressive to me. I did not want my child to
have to wear this helmet. It must be uncomfortable and probably
painful. I only went to see the specialist to make sure there was no
other underlying issue that she may have. Thankfully, there was not.

In addition to her chiropractic care, I had placed a call to the Early
Intervention Program in our state. They evaluated her and she showed
enough of a delay in her head turning, lifting, and issues with her
head shape that she qualified for physical therapy for 6 months.

After seeing Dr. Peck for a while, we were then going back to Dr.
Chris. Her head and neck were so much better and he was able to help
her even more from there.

We continued her chiropractic care for many months. She began physical
therapy and chiropractic when she was 7 weeks old. Her PT ended at age
7.5 months and she did not require any further serviced through Early

She did continue to see Dr. Chris for another 4-5 weeks and her head
looks great.

She has one tiny spot on the front temple area that is ever so
slightly flat, Dr. Chris had said it will only get better, and it

My daughter is now 9 months old, she is happy, healthy, and her head
and neck are as perfect as the next baby’s. She has full rotation of
her neck and she does not look like she ever had an issue to begin

Thank you Dr. Chris!!!