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Gayle 19 month old daughters injury

Last weekend, my 19 month old daughter took a tumble off a chair. She was in a lot of pain complaining that her arm hurt. I took her to the E.R They assured me she was fine because it was not hurting as bad while we were there. Two more days of her complaining off & on passed.I took her to the pediatrician, who again assured me she would be fine, but told me to keep giving her Tylenol & Motrin.

My instincts told me she wasn’t O.K. So, I made contact with Dr. Chris who saw my daughter first thing the next morning.

Within a minute of touching her arm, he discovered that there was a dislocation in her forearm. Dr. Chris Berard promptly corrected it without my daughter even realizing what he was doing.She was actually smiling as he fixed it. Since that visit, my daughter has not complained of any pain.