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I woke up unable to open my mouth. How did that happen? This was scary! But I knew the person to go to was not my dentist, but to Dr. Chris. 6am – I went to my rowing group but all I could think about was getting to the clinic by nine.Need I say that Dr. Chris “fixed” my mouth? Somehow I had jammed one of the joints, inflaming all the tissue around it. I must confess that the work was not pain-free, but I was slowly able to increase my range of motion as Dr. Chris worked on the jaw.

I had to take a break to ice both sides, then he worked some more.
I left with increasingly more range of motion, and within 30 minutes, I was back to normal.

Dr. Berard had me come back in Sunday evening to check on everything, as I was going on a trip on Monday. Thanks to Dr. Chris. I knew he could do it! I trust him completely.