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My son always had sleep problems from birth and along with that came behavioral problems.

We sought chiropractic care from another chiropractor and my son’s sleep improved, but, didn’t last and his behavioral issues did not.

I continued searching for answers.

After an evaluation with occupational therapy and a referral from my massage therapist to Dr. Chris Berard, my son started treatment with occupational therapy in December of 2008 and treatment with Dr. Berard in January 2009.My son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and for my son it meant he was afraid of loud noises, small crowded rooms, most people, sensitive to touch, etc. He wouldn’t play with any children and avoided most activities outside our home.

My son’s examination with Dr. Berard showed many areas of irritation along his spine.We began weekly visits 2-3 days per week with Dr. Berard and once weekly visits with occupational therapy. After 8 months of occupational therapy and 8 months of treatment from Dr. Berard my son no longer needs weekly occupational therapy.

He now checks in with his therapist once a month. The irritation in his spine has improved dramatically and we have cut back on our chiropractic visits as well. My husband and I can’t believe the results.

His occupational therapist is amazed with his rapid progress.

He is not the same child we had just a few months ago. He’s playing with friends, leaving the house, is more tolerant of loud noises, etc

We sought the help from three other chiropractors for our son, but, it was Dr. Berard’s restorative style of chiropractic that made the biggest difference.

It’s amazing to see him finally enjoying his life. My husband and I believe that chiropractic played a vital role in our son’s recovery and we will always be appreciative for Dr. Berard’s help.